Friday, March 20, 2020

March Break

Good Morning Friends!

You are now on March break. Enjoy your time with your families and enjoy the sunshine. Play some games, read a book, do a gonoodle, do some art and relax! You have worked so hard and deserve a break! I am very proud of all of you and the growth you have made this year!

Please feel free to share your Story Jumper Stories with your family. Remember to click:
You parents have your email and password in an email I sent them. 

You can also tell them about our rubric we used to mark ourselves.

Two weeks ago we learned about acrostic poems in class. Here is a printable template so you can create a Spring poem at home. Challenge your family members to create a poem as well! Poems are a great way to work on your rhyming skills. Spring Template

Yesterday I posted a read aloud all about Spring, here is one about Winter. Use the following Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the two seasons. Venn Diagram

Spring & Winter Assignment:

  1. Look at the Venn Diagram document 
  2. Listen to the explanation Video (Found below)
  3. Listen to Spring and Winter Stories
  4. Fill in the Venn Diagram 

CBE Learning from home:
CBE Mental Health Information